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ApTest's Comprehensive Test Tools List ApTest has put together another test tools web page. Check this out if you're looking for tools. ADL - Assertion Definition Language Specification language for programming interfaces. It can be used to describe the programmer's interface to any C-callable function, library or system call. (free compiler) Can be used for test generation. ASQ - Software Quality Professional Publication Publications produced by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). Automated Software Testing (book) Here's a link to a reference page about 'Automated Software Testing', a book written by three software industry professionals - Elfriede Dustin, John Paul and Jeff Rashka. The book can be ordered via or via Simply enter ISBN number 0-201-43287-0. Also order the book online at Automated Testing - Herb Isenberg A reference site to articles and resources relating to automated testing. Automated Testing Info Provides information about Software Testing and Test Automation including tools, tutorials, articles, resources, and more. Automation Junkies Very relevant and current site on test automation. It includes links and content on current events, industry news, tool upgrades, training, articles and papers, discussion groups, etc. Certainly go here if you're doing test automation. Benny Huybrecht's Software Testing Web Page This is a similar page to this one as it provides links to other software testing resources. (This site doesn't appear to be kept up to date.) Book - Choking Big Bertha First draft of new book on Web Capacity Measurement finished and awaiting professional review. Written to amuse and entertain as much as to inform. The Bug Hunter Web site offering links to quality and testing articles as well as a 'weblog' featuring timely information and commentary relating to software quality. Bug Overflow A place for testers to come together, ask questions, and give each other answers. Contact: BugNet The global authority on PC bugs and fixes. This is a fee based service. Bug Tracking and Defect Tracking Resource A must see site for anyone involved in SQA, testing, and software development. Quality assurance/testing links, with an emphasis on bug tracking and defect tracking tools, articles, sites, books, forums, and other subjects related to bug tracking and defect tracking. Bug Tracking Software Price Compare A list of bug tracking software prices based per user for several products. Cigital SRM Hotlist Another excellent full featured reference site for software testing and quality assurance provided by Cigital newsgroup is THE newsgroup to read if you perform or manage software testing. Comp.Software.Testing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) A GREAT current list of questions about testing salaries, books, conferences, and testing subjects. Creative Commons - A Software Testing Primer A forty page primer on Software Testing, distributed free under Creative Commons. It covers white vs black box; unit, integration and system testing; automated testing; planning, preparation and metrics. Creative Safety Supply - Kaizen Research Page Kaizen : The Process of Continuous Improvement In The Workplace Creative Safety Supply provides an excellent source of well organized information on the topic of Kaizen. Every company on the planet could be made more efficient by following the Kaizen principles. This saves energy, resources, and increases production for everyone. Crispin, Lisa - Agile Tester; Agile Testing Resources Web page of Agile tester Lisa Crispin including links many to Agile testing articles and references. Crosstalk, Publication Publication on software engineering and quality. Provided free from the Journal of Defense. Also see Air Force Software Technology Support Center The Data and Analysis Center for Software The DACS is a Department of Defense (DoD) Information Analysis Center (IAC). The DACS has been designated as the DoD Software Information Clearing house serving as an authoritative source for state-of-the-art software information providing technical support for the software community. The DACS technical area of focus is Software Technology and Software Engineering, in its broadest sense. The DACS is a central distribution hub for software technology information sources. The DACS offers a wide-variety of Technical Services designed to support the development, testing, validation, and transitioning of Software Engineering technology. DCTester Portal Website with references, forum discusions, seminar announcements and job announcements for those software test professionsals in the Washington DC area. Deducing an Applications use of API's Not really testing related, but interesting web page on API checking. Ed Lynskey's Software Configuration Management/Quality Assurance Website A site similar to this one in that it provides links to other resources but focuses heavily on configuration mananagment and other quality assurance topics. e-Talk Radio - Quality Plus Carol Dekkers hosts a weekly talk show that can be heard over the internet every Thursday at noon Eastern Standard Time. It also can be heard in Phoenix on radio station KFNX 1100. A different guest is interviewed every week and the subject is software quality related. GUI Test Tool Evaluation - 1998 Demonstration of Automated Testing for Engineering Software (DATES). Report on GUI testing tools evaluation and best practice, 1998, by Stephen Morris. High Integrity Software Systems Assurance Government affiliate organization that provides technology to produce high integrity, affordable software in high integrity software systems. See also National Institute of Standards and Technology How to trap a bug: Best practices for top bug hunters - BOOK This book deals primarily about setting the right expectations when looking for software defects. It contains a very practical approach to the entire process of looking for defects (in different phases), reporting them properly and dealing with the aftermaths. Available at Amazon HTML Testing HTML Standards and Web related toolkits. IIST Newsletter - Bug Free Zone The Bug Free Zone is a membership-based community of professionals sponsored by the International Institute for Software Testing providing a wealth of information for software test and QA professionals. Integrated, Effective Test Design and Automation A good article by Ed Kit describing test design, test automation and the use of ReviewPro. Integrated Test Design and Automation: Using the Testframe Method (book) This practical guide enables readers to understand and apply the TestFrame method -- an open method developed by the authors and their colleagues that is rapidly becoming a standard in the testing industry. ISO 27001 Security Standards Site dedicated to the emrging quality standards for information security. These standards (the 27000 series) will energe in the coming months and replace many existing standards. ISO Quality Forums This site presents a platofrm for discussions related to ISO and quality issues. Just Enough Software Test Automation (book) A practical hands-on guide to software test automation from the perspective of test developers and users. Kaner's (Cem) Papers on Testing and Quality Cem Kaner has written excellent articles and books on software testing and software quality. He also focuses on the legal liabilities where there are issues with software quality. Ian Worrelli Reference site for career / study. Techniques, processes. Links and articles. LogiGear's Software Testing and Quality Assurance RSS Feed RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, or Rich Site Summary, or RDF (Resource Description Framework) Site Summary. LogiGear makes articles about software quality assurance testing topics available through its RSS feed. The feed is updated regularly with new articles of interest to the software test and quality assurance community. Methods and Tools - Free Newsletter A free PDF-based newsletter for software development professionals. Articles focus on quality practices. Mitre Corp's Link to Y2K Resources Mitre Corporation's web site that features links to many Y2K resources. One Stop Software Testing Software Testing - QTP, Manual Testing Automation Testing, Load Runner. A Practical Approach to Software Testing. Here you can find Software Testing (Automation and Manual Testing) related best articles and topics. Resources for Performance Testers Call 1-604-831-3629 Pettichord, Brett. - Test Automation Has some good practical experience with test automation. See his presentation material. Professional Tester Magazine Subscribe (currently free) to receive a new testing publication called 'Professional Tester'. QA Financial Testing Reference Software testing articles related to the financial industry provided by Call +44 (0) 203 196 0142 QACity Very good software testing resource for the testing community offered by LogiGear. It includes articles, white papers, newsletters, etc. BetaSoft site offering links to testing and QA related topics. Links to publications, books, software testing, tools, jobs, etc. Offers both depth and breadth of scope. Quality Resources Online Quality resource site provided by Bill Casti and Associated Quality Consultants, Inc. Focus is heavily on quality assurance and includes links for many industries besides software development. Quality Tree Founded initially as a quality assurance company, with no new business being accepted, this site continues to be maintained and offers useful articles and links about testing, test automation and quality. Quality Web Systems - Book The book 'Quality Web Systems' addresses each of the key success factors of web systems: functionality, ease of use, compatibility with a variety of browsers, security, and system performance and scalability. Professor Debra J. Richardson's Research This is a personal site for Professor Debra J. Richardson. It contains links to her research and testing methods. QA-Financial is an independent news and events platform launched in March 2016 and owned by QA Media Ltd, an independent publishing company unaffiliated with any other business. They cover the quality assurance, testing and IT risk management of software and technology used by: Investment and retail banks; Asset managers; Exchanges; Insurance companies; Software and market data vendors Reality Check - FREE Newsletter WorkSoft's bi-monthly newsletter provides you the best resources (articles, hot tips and white papers) about testing and test automation. Sign up today! Recommended Test Labs (RTL) - blog Daily commentary about issues related to the testing industry, from technology developments to debates on test theory and test plan development. Call 1-415-362-7751 ext.12. Software Testing Books Site which includes articles, blogs, references to boooks, software testing tutorial, Selenium tutorial, ISTQB mock exam and other interesting information on software testing. Software Testing Fundamentals The Fundamentals of Software Testing for Amateurs, Professionals, Novices and Experts. SAST This is another source of software testing and quality assurance links. (This site doesn't appear to be kept up to date.) Sapient Testing This is the site for the official newsletter of the Association for Software Testing. View the latest editions of Sapient Testing - Smart Stuff for Career Software Testers. It also includes Forums for testers. Reference site for models and methologies, requirements, software testing, project management, ALM, security testing and QA. The motto reads 'Helping you develop, deploy and manage quality software.' SingleSource Guide by Software Quality Engineering (SQE) Produces the SingleSource Guide to the Best Software Quality Books and Information. The Guide catalogs over 100 pertinent software quality publications including the Testing Tools Reference Guide and Software QA Magazine. E-mail Call 800-423-8378 Software Dioxide is a global portal that helps Software Engineering and Management Professionals build software cheaper, better and faster. It provides professionals in Software Engineering domain with the useful resources, white papers, papers & tech reports, best practices and the infrastructure to meet, trade, learn, share, exchange, buy and sell. It creates synergies of knowledge, network, people and technology to enhance professional growth within the software community Software Engineering Body of Knowledge The software engineering body of knowledge is an all-inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of software engineering. This link to the "Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK)", sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM, documents what is considered generally accepted as well as innovative practices. The goal of this initiative is not to inventory everything that software engineers should know, but to identify what forms the core of software engineering. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge is now an IEEE Standard. Software Engineering Community This Software Engineering Community website is dedicated to the FREE information sharing about software engineering disciplines between software engineers (i.e. industrials, faculty members and students). The website includes: Software Engineering news, Software Engineering Articles, Software Engineering Links, A Message Board, Job offers, Software Engineering downloads. Software Engineering Intitute (SEI) - Team Software Process (TSP) Sponsored by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) the Team Software Process (TSP), along with the Personal Software Process, helps the high-performance engineer to ensure quality software products, create secure software products and improve process management in an organization. Software Productivity Centre SPC is an industry-driven, non-profit technical resource centre for software developers. Founded in 1992, SPC has more than 100 members, and offers a wide range of courses, seminars and products including 'Software Engineering Templates'. Per the web site description - Software QA has been developed to give all the information on software testing, quality assurance and quality engineering in one place. This site contains the information on Software Testing Frequently Asked Questions, basics of software testing. Software Quality Page Another excellent reference for testing and quality resources. Check it out! Software Risk Management (SRM) Magazine Free SRM Magazine presents expert analysis and best-of-breed methods for protecting companies from the severe business consequences of software failure. Associated with the ISACC conference. Software Test and Performance Magazine Software Test & Performance is offered by BZ Media LLC. The monthly magazine provides a myriad of articles pertaining to software testing. Articles are available via download from the web site. Software Testing Discussion Mailing List Danny Faught maintains the swtest-discuss mailing list, originally for OS testing discussions but now covering the gamut of test implementation. Software Testing Genius This is a reference site on software testing. It offers FAQ, quizes, testing tutorials, QTP tutorials, interview questions, QTP certification, test automation, SDLC, STLC. It includes information on web, cookie, database testing and other types of testing. Software Testing Jobs Site that lists posts of software testing jobs. Software Testing Online Resources (STORM) A nexus of Software Testing Online Resources, this site is designed to be a 'first-stop' on the Web for software testing researchers and practitioners. (Unless of course you're on this it would be your 2nd stop:). Software Testing and Quality Engineering ( This site has been replaced by an absolutely great testing web site, Software Testing and Quality Engineering Magazine Published by Software Quality Engineering, this magazine offers practical articles specific to software testing in six issues published each year. Software Testing Wiki A free wiki dedicated to Software Testing and Quality Assurance. Help yourself to useful testing information or contribute to this expanding resource. Software Testing Stuff As the description at the top of the web page says "An eXcellent web log and online resource center of Software Testing". It covers almost everything about manual testing. It also covers some important topics of QTP and LoadRunner. This is not affiliated with, but both are serving a useful purpose to promote quality software. Software Tester Careers Site provides articles related to software testing careers and includes 2 to 3 posts per month offering software testing careers advice to both new and experienced software testers. SPIN WIKI A wiki is a website or similar online resource which allows users to add and edit content collectively. This wiki is for the Software Process Improvement Networks (SPINs). A comprehensive definition of Software Quality Assurance SQA is presented here, in the form of a short history of the Software Quality Movement, an example of a theoretical CMMi SQA\SQC implementation and an example of what a typical Software Application QA engineer does day to day. SRI's Software Quality Hotlist One of the BEST reference sites for software quality information. Much more comprehensive than this site, but focuses on quality not tool vendors. Standards
DOD (Department of Defense) Standards All sorts of DOD standards. Click on 'MIL-STD-498 Software Development and Documentation' at the home page and get directions to download many standards. Software Testing Material SoftwareTestingMaterial is a blog for Software Testers both Manual & Automation Testers. Deals with Manual Testing Concepts, Selenium WebDriver, QTP and Agile. Call +66925232510 This is the best web site out there for software testing - hands down. Excellent reference site that advertises itself as 'an online resource for building better software'. Lots of content relating to testing and quality. Able to search articles, books, tools, templates, etc. This is a STQE publication. STQe-Letter The STQe-Letter brings software testing and quality engineering info right to your in-box. Very good newsletter created and distributed by the folks who maintain Success with Test Automation by B. Pettichord Another very good presentation outline. TestFocus TestFocus is is a publication aimed at serving the testing interests of the maturing IT Industry, with a particular emphasis on testing topics for the South African market - although quite useful for general testing reference as well. TestingFAQs This is the new home of the three FAQs that Brian Marick made famous. These FAQs are now maintained by Danny Faught. It includes the testing tools suppliers list, testing contractors and consultants list and testing courses list. It also includes the testing frequently asked questions (FAQ) file and offers the opportunity to subscribe to the SWTEST-DISCUSS mailing list. Tantara's Software Quality Hotlist This is a good list of quality assurance (software process improvement) links. TESTCo - Reports and White Papers on Testing Reports and White Papers: Learn More About Software Testing Services Testing Diaries Testing Diaries is a prominent source covering tutorials, articles and productivity tips to carry out effective software testing. Testing Object-Oriented Systems Book that introduces the 'test design pattern' that uses templates to focus on key dimensions of test design. Testing Strategies and Methods - Pressman Some books and links provided by Roger Pressman. Testing Techniques Newsletter (by SRI) Online newsletter. TO SUBSCRIBE: please use the keywords 'Request-TTN' or 'subscribe' **AND INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS** in the Subject line of your E-mail header. NOTE: Back issues can be retrieved by going to Unicom - The Testing Times A newsletter with links to articles, book reviews, etc. offered by Unicom. uTest Elevate your testing skills – READ articles, RATE tools, LEARN new skills, FIND paid projects and CHAT about tech, career & trends with your peers. Vietnamese Testing Board Reference site in English and Vietnamese that offers many links to documents, articles, tools, conferences, news, etc. Xprogramming Resources This is a site with resources for Xprogramming and testing in an Xprogramming development environment. X-Treme Testing Another good reference site maintained by someone passionate about testing. It includes a software testing dictionary, books, articles, interview questions, tools, etc. and has good content as well. Year 2000 - Small Business Help A helpful website that provides assistance for the year 2000 problem for small businesses. Ed Yourdon's Web Site Good information is available from industry expert's Ed Yourdon's site. ![]() |